Ed Epping


Lehigh Portland Cement Co. in Mitchell donated $5,000 to the Mitchell Community Recreation Association toward its $50,000 goal. Lilly Endowment challenged organizations to raise $50,000 locally to which it would give $100,000 each in direct grants for special projects. The $50,000 is placed in a permanent endowment through the Lawrence County Community Foundation.

Mitchell Community Recreation Association will use its special project funding to build a sports complex on Mitchell’s east side. Ed Epping, plant manager, said Lehigh Portland Cement Co. contributed to the fund because working together to build communities is included in the company’s vision. He also saw that the Mitchell community is in need of recreational activities for its youth.

“This is the first time ever all of the recreational activities are under the Mitchell Community Recreation Association umbrella,” Epping said. “That entity now has a $50,000 endowment and a $25,000 foundation match. The association will forever receive proceeds from the $75,000 endowment.” The sports complex will be built on property adjacent to Lehigh. The company entered into a 50-year lease for $1 with the Mitchell Community Recreation Association.

Lehigh also donated $21,000 worth of playground equipment to the association. Epping and two other engineers from the plant volunteered to survey ground for a new biddy field and a girls softball field as well.

Epping said. “I believe strongly in getting the youth to be productive, and right now there’s not a lot of things for kids to do in the summer here in Mitchell. I dream of a massive sports complex on the east side of town supported by people of Mitchell on Lehigh property that would give the youth every night an opportunity to play organized sports with adult supervision.”