How to Set Up a Fund

The Community Foundation exists to help caring people like you give back to the causes and community you care about most. We make giving easy and effective and can establish your fund in five simple steps:

1.      Choose your passion.

Do you want to impact students’ education? Increase our community’s health? Nurture the arts? We will work with you to select the field of interest, community cause or non-profit organization you want to support forever with your endowed gift.

2.      Choose when to give.

Do you want to establish a fund today so you can witness its impact during your lifetime? Would you prefer to defer your gift through a will or other planned giving option?  Our expert staff works with you and/or your professional advisor to determine how you can best achieve your charitable goals while meeting your financial needs.

3.      Choose what to give.

You can give cash, stocks, property, bequests and or a variety of other assets. The Community Foundation Partnership is able to handle the most complex transactions and turn unusual gifts into community good.

4.      Choose a type of fund.

The Community Foundation offers various types of funds to help you fulfill your goals: unrestricted, field of interest, designated, donor-advised and scholarship.  Each provides different degrees of participation and flexibility, but all allow you to partner with the Community Foundation to create greater good together.

5.      Establish your legacy.

The Community Foundation will walk you through the necessary paperwork to complete the creation of your fund and explain the investment and spending policies and other pertinent processes.  You’ll finalize any initial gifts to your fund and confirm your investment in the future of the community you love.